According to the Consumer Product Safety Commission, there were an average of 4,963 injuries caused by electrical receptacles between 2008 and 2016 with the majority of injuries occurring in children under the age of 18.

See what version of the National Electrical Code your state is on

Common Causes of Injury

An average of 2,850 children are injured by receptacles each year.

Causes of Receptacle Injuries
2008 – 2016:

  • 40% Bobby Pin / Hairpin
  • 22% Fingers
  • 12% Keys
  • 4% Paper Clip
  • 22% Other

Locations Requiring A TRR

Your state is only protected when it’s on the latest National Electrical Code
As of the 2017 National Electrical Code, Tamper Resistant Receptacles are now required in the following areas:

  • Homes
  • Preschools, Elementary Education Facilities, and Child Care Facilities
  • Business Offices
  • Hotels and Motels
  • Clinics, Medical, Dental offices, and Outpatient Facilities
  • Assembly Occupancies (places awaiting transportation, gyms, skating rinks, auditoriums, and dormitories)

Importance of a Qualified Electrician:

All electrical work should be done by a qualified electrician to ensure proper installation


  1. Licensed to work in your state
  2. Most states require continuing education for electricians to ensure the continual quality of work
  3. Qualified electricians are trained on the National Electrical Code – the minimum safety standard for electrical work
  4. Qualified electricians have 500 – 750 days of on the job apprenticeship training and 144 hours of classroom training before they are licensed to work on you home or business