Childproofing Your Home: Tamper Resistant Receptacles

Each year, approximately 2,400 children suffer severe shock and burns when they stick items into the slots of electrical receptacles – that is nearly seven children a day. It is estimated that there are six to 12 fatalities a year related to this. Nearly one-third of these injuries are the result of small children placing […]

Home Renovation: Childproofing Outlets

Each year, approximately 2,400 children suffer severe shock and burns when they stick items into the slots of electrical receptacles – that is nearly seven children a day.  It is estimated that there are six to 12 fatalities a year related to this. The National Electrical Code requires receptacles in homes, garages, accessory buildings, and […]

Home Safety Devices – Renovate Your Home to Code

The National Electrical Code is revised every three years and outlines the minimum requirements for safe electrical installation. Many older homes may not have an adequate electrical system to meet the electrical demands of today. If you’re renovating your home, make sure to have the following electrical safety devices installed to maintain an electrically safe […]

Tamper Resistant Receptacle – Increasing Your Home’s Value and Safety

There are many ways to increase your home’s value, but did you know that making safety improvements could be an economical way to add value to your home? Building Codes: Homes built or renovated to the latest and stricter building codes are more likely to fare better than homes that are not to codes during […]

Electrical Safety Public Service Announcement

Is your home up to the latest National Electrical Code? The National Electrical Code is designed to keep your home and your loved ones safe, but is only enforced with new construction. As a homeowner, it is your responsibility to ensure that your property is up to code. You can accomplish this by having your […]

Tamper Resistant Receptacles: Is Your State Keeping Children Safe

According to the Consumer Product Safety Commission, there were an average of 4,963 injuries caused by electrical receptacles between 2008 and 2016 with the majority of injuries occurring in children under the age of 18. See what version of the National Electrical Code your state is on Common Causes of Injury An average of 2,850 […]

Tamper Resistant Receptacles: Childproofing Done Right

A study by Temple University found that 100% of all 2-4 year olds were able to remove one type of plastic outlet cap within 10 seconds. Properly childproof your outlets by installing Tamper Resistant Receptacles. How to Properly Childproof Your Home: Tamper Resistant Receptacles offer a permanent solution to outlet covers Built in shutters prevent […]

Do your Outlets Need an Upgrade?

Did you know that an electrical outlet can do much more than provide electricity? They can be life saving devices by preventing shocks, burns and even fires.   Do your outlets need an upgrade?  Learn about these specialized electrical outlets with added features to provide a safer home. The major specialized outlets are: Ground Fault […]

How Protected Are Children From Electric Shock? A Tamper Resistant Receptacle Survey

Each year, 2,400 children in the U.S. are treated for injuries caused by electrical outlets. ESFI surveyed mothers with young children to gauge the public’s understanding of the importance of Tamper Resistant Receptacles (TRRs), which have been required by the National Electrical Code since 2008 to prevent these injuries. Nearly 1/3 of parents with young […]

Outlets: The Ins and Outs Video

Do your Outlets Need an Upgrade? Did you know that an electrical outlet can do much more than provide electricity? They can be life saving devices by preventing shocks, burns and even fires. Do your outlets need an upgrade? Learn about these specialized electrical outlets with added features to provide a safer home. The major […]

What is a Tamper Resistant Receptacle?

TRRs resemble regular receptacles but they’re so much more.  In fact, they provide a permanent solution to childhood shock caused by tampering with electrical outlets. TRRs feature built in safety shutters that block foreign objects from being inserted into the receptacle. TRRs required by the National Electrical Code since 2008 Internal shutters block foreign objects […]

Safety from the Inside: Tamper Resistant Receptacles (TRRs)

Each year approximately 2,400 children are treated from shocks and burns after sticking items into slots of electrical receptacles. To prevent these types of injuries, the National Electrical Code now requires Tamper Resistant Receptacles (TRRs) in new and renovated homes. Outlet covers are out Studies have shown that children over the age of 2 can […]