Downed Power Line Safety – Always Assume Downed Lines are Live

Downed power lines can be deadly. ALWAYS assume a downed power line is live and avoid going near it or anything in contact with it. Use Precaution Downed power lines can energize the ground up to 35 feet away. Even more in wet conditions. Never drive over downed power lines or through water that is in contact […]

Hurricane Electrical Safety – Eyeing the Storm

The Atlantic hurricane season is June to November, with the peak season from mid-August to late October. On average there are 6 hurricanes, three of which are categorized as “major,” each year. History provides important examples of the potentially dangerous impact hurricanes can have and the need to be prepared. The deadliest hurricane in U.S. […]

Seguridad Eléctrica Durante los Desastres Naturales

English video La electricidad es lo que mueve el mundo moderno, y a menudo la damos por hecho. Si ocurriera una catástrofe natural, hay algunas cosas que hay que recordar para mantenernos seguros con respecto a la electricidad durante la tormenta. Antes de que se desate la tormenta, asegúrese de cargar todos los teléfonos y […]

Seguridad Eléctrica Durante los Desastres Naturales – Empresas

English video Aunque no podemos evitar que los desastres naturales afecten a nuestras comunidades, podemos asegurarnos de que nuestras empresas sean eléctricamente seguras antes y después de una tormenta. En caso de un desastre natural, es importante que las empresas establezcan procedimientos de apagado de emergencia y de puesta en marcha de los sistemas eléctricos, […]

Electric Shock Drowning – Water and Electricity Don’t Mix

Electric Shock Drowning (ESD) severely injures and kills people every year. ESD occurs when faulty wiring sends electric current into water, which passes through the body and causes paralysis, which could ultimately result in drowning. How to Avoid Electric Shock Drowning Locate and label all power switches to the pool, hot tub, spa equipment, and […]

Wrapping up the Holidays: Preventing Winter Fires

Nearly half of home fires occur during the months of December, January, and February. Keep your home and family safe after the holidays with these post-holiday year-end tips. 25% of holiday fires are caused by decorations Never leave holiday decorations on while sleeping or away from home 210 home fires a year are caused by […]

In The Right Light – Decorate Your Home Safely During The Holidays

According to the National Fire Protection Association, 860 home fires caused by holiday decorations occur each year. An additional 210 home fires are caused by Christmas trees per year. Follow these steps to ensure you decorate your home safely during the winter holidays. Make sure all extension cords and electrical decorations are marked for proper use Outdoor […]

Disaster Safety Pre-Storm Safety and Post-Storm Recovery

Natural disasters leave thousands of consumers without power, and flooding associated with tropical storms and hurricanes often causes severe or permanent damage to electrical equipment. The Electrical Safety Foundation (ESFI) is dedicated to educating the public on the importance of rebuilding and renovating safely after a storm to prevent injuries, deaths, and electrical fires.  Download […]

Lightning Protection: Preventing a Direct Strike

In the first quarter of 2017 alone, thunderstorms caused a record $5.7 billion in losses, and lightning kills and average of 30 people a year. Learn how to keep you, your family, and property safe from lightning. Lightning is Deadly An average of 22,600 fires were caused by lightning between 2007 and 2011 According to Aon Benfield’s […]

Electric Shock Drowning – Unknown Danger Lurking in the Water

Docks and boats carry sources of electricity. Faulty wiring or the use of damaged electrical cords and other devices can cause the surrounding water to become energized. NEVER swim near a marina or near a boat while its running. There is no visible warning to electrified water Electric current in the water causes the paralysis […]

Water Damaged Electrical Equipment

Water and electricity do not mix. Follow this guide to quickly see what equipment must be replaced and which electronics may be reconditioned. Any water-damaged equipment even if thoroughly dried will pose serious long-term safety and fire risk if not properly reconditioned. ESFI recommends that the evaluation of water-damaged electrical equipment be conducted by qualified […]

How to Avoid Electrical Counterfeits

Using qualified electricians and purchasing from reputable distributors and retailers gives you: safety, security, and the backing of the manufacturer. Purchasing Counterfeits Has Consequences Counterfeits Have low-quality components Are unregulated and untested Unsafe and not backed by a manufacturer’s warranty  This could lead to identity theft if purchased from a non-reputable vendor Counterfeit’s Unintentional Consequences […]